How to Organize Your Needlepoint Thread

When you first start needlepointing, you aren't to worried about creating an organization system for your thread. You have a limited number of projects so your stash isnt a huge concern. But as time moves on, and you start to collect more and more projects, it quickly can get out of hand. Not only is having a nice organization system helpful when stitching, it also helps you save money when you are starting a new project. You can quickly asses the thead you have to work with, and what threads you need to purchase for your next project. Below is my step-by-step process on how to organize your needlepoint thread into a system that will last!
Step 1: Collect ALL Your Threads
I don't know about you but if I have multiple projects going I often have thread all over the place. Sometimes I leave my thread with completed projects, or have a collection of thread by my bed side table. So for this exercise, start by collecting all your thread and putting it in one place.
Step 2: Sort Your Threads
You will then want to start by sorting your thread into two groups. The first group will be thread cards (these are your very velvets, essentials, frye works, etc.). The second group will be skeins (these are your planet earth fibers, silk & ivory, pepper pot, etc.)
Next, we need to take the sorting a step further. Starting with the thread cards, organize them by type of thread. For example, you will put all your velvets together into one pile, and all your ribbons together in another. Once completed, we will move to our skeins.
For the skeins, I like to sort these by brand and also by color. So for example, I would make a pile of Silk & Ivory thread and I would group my lighter colors together. Feel free to tweak this process for whatever makes the most sense for your stash.
Step 3: Select the Best Storage for Your Threads
Next its important to select the best storage devices for your threads. I personally use a combination of multiple types of storage. For thread cards, I prefer to use Floss AWay Organization bags. I label each bag and then store the entire ring in a box away from light. Silks are sensitive to light and can be easily bleached in the sunlight if you aren't careful.
For my skeins, I love these organization boxes from Amazon. These boxes are adjustable so you can organize them inside however you would like. I have a box for each brand of thread and its labelled to help me easily return each thread to its correct box.
I keep the thread tags for each skein and place them in the bottom of each compartment. Its a tight fit, but gets the job done and works well with my type of stitching. Since this is a simple method, I have personally found that it is easiest for me to keep up with.
Step 4: Bask in the GLORY of your Beautifully Organized Thread!
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